Brother Mark Hill

The True and Only Way to Live in Heaven With Jesus Christ For Evermore

First of all, I Would like to tell you a little about myself I am a twenty-seven year old man. I was raised in middle Tennessee. I have two siblings which consist of an older brother and a younger sister. My parents have been married for almost thirty-two years. When I was a child my parents took us to church every Sunday. We went to a small church about thirty five miles away. I remember many Sunday mornings dreading the thought of getting up and riding an hour to sit in church. Well, I’m glad to say that my parents made me go even when I didn’t want to. In the following few paragraphs I’m going to try my best to tell my experience with Jesus and tell you a fool proof way to get to Heaven.

I would like to be as honest and sincere as possible in what I am trying to convey to you. These few words I am saying are from the heart and are meant to help those of you who don’t know Jesus Christ. I am not a preacher. I am just a simple person who would like to help you, by the grace of God, to be saved. When I say “to be saved”, I mean to get salvation by praying. I want everyone to know that I am not good nor do I claim to be.

How does one know when he or she is lost or accountable for their sins? Well, for me I was about ten years old. I just started wondering what would happen if the end of the world came. I knew that their was a Heaven and a Hell, and I knew that I was Hell bound, if I died. Pushing the thought out of my mind became more and more difficult. I could do pretty well at pretending everything was all right until bed time. This was the worst! I made up every imaginable excuse to leave the hall light on. We lived close to a train track and every time I heard a train horn I knew time was up. I thought it was Gabrielle blowing his horn which of course meant that It was to late. The door was now closed forever. When one is lost, well in my case anyway, he or she feels ashamed, guilty, and scared. The last thing I wanted to do is to tell anyone. My situation only worsened. Half the time, I ended up sleeping with my older brother. I guess some how this gave me comfort. Several months went by and my fear grew. My mind was continuously drifting back to the horrific thought of burning in Hell forever. 1 became more desperate. I remember sitting in school in my sixth grade class so scared of dying that I was literally shaking inside. I was taught all my life that this would happen to me. What I mean, is that I would become aware that I was lost and without God. I knew right from wrong, and there was no denying it. I knew what I had to do, but I was trying to do it without telling anyone. I had prayed many times for Jesus to save my soul. I thought I was being sincere as I could be. I would cry and pray at night when everyone was asleep. I still was afraid of someone finding out that I was lost. We don’t accept Jesus on our terms. He accepts us on his. This situation went on for about a year. I had become so desperate that I finally told my older brother. He had been through the same thing about three years earlier. My brother suggested that we tell my parents. I didn’t like the idea, but I went along. It was the middle of the night, and my brother and I went to my parents room to tell the news. I remember waking my mother first and telling her everything. To my surprise, she suspected that was why I had been so scared at night. We all began to pray together. I kept repeating the same prayer ” Please Jesus Save My Soul”. This went on for a while, but I didn’t feel any better. I still felt as if the world was on my chest. The next morning my mother didn’t bother me or hassle me at all. I figured now that she knew I would be hassled all the time.

A few days went by and it was time for our Fall revival at church. I didn’t want to go at all. Of course, my parents made me go. We sat in the back of the church that day, and I was glad. I felt as if everyone was looking at me. The preacher preached on salvation. That’s the topic that most often comes up in our revivals. At the end of our service the preacher asked for anyone who was lost to come to the moaners bench up front an call on Jesus. The weight on my chest had become to much, and I had began to loose my pride. This would be my first public acknowledgment that I was lost. At first it was very hard, but I made my way to the front. I knelt down on my knees at the alter and began to pray. My mother handed my a handkerchief. I started praying to God. I didn’t know really who to pray to, God or Jesus. I just began asking God to save my soul. Well, I guess I was there about an hour. Everything still seemed dark and I still felt like I was doomed. Everyone in the church was praying for me too. I finally got up without satisfaction. Everyone told me that I had to turn it all over to him. It was out of my hands, and I had to be willing to do anything. We went home and came back the next day. I still felt as if everyone was staring at me. The preacher began to speak and I just knew that he was directing everything he was saying at me. The topic was Hell. The preacher, with the help of God, painted a very vivid picture of what hell was like, and I knew that I didn’t want to go there. At the end of the service, same as always, the preacher invited anyone who was lost up to the moaners bench to pray for salvation. At this point, I was under so much conviction that I had almost forgotten about pride. I again made my way to the alter. I fell on my knees and began to pray. Still not sure who to direct my prayer to I simply prayed “God please save my soul, I’ll do anything you ask of me”. I was praying rather quiet still hanging on to the last bit of pride I had. A funny thing happened though, the more I prayed the less I cared about what anyone thought. I had gotten to a point where I was starting to really get through. I started praying louder and louder until I was almost screaming. I thought I was going to die if I couldn’t get some relief. I was actually having a hard time breathing , or so it seemed. But all of a sudden, it happened. Jesus had reached down and saved my soul. It was a sure thing. I knew in a moment. All the pain the guilt the fear was gone. It was as real as anything I have ever experienced. I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of my chest. On that day, September 30,1979 Jesus had saved a young eleven year boy from Hell just as he promised he would do. The most important thing to remember is, Jesus will save you if you ask sincerely, however; sometime when we think we are sincere, we’re not even close…

When man is born he is already a sinner. One might ask what happens to babies or small children when they die. They will go to Heaven an live with God and Jesus. Everyone becomes accountable for his or her sins at a different time. In other words, when a person realizes right from wrong and feels the shame in their heart of being a sinner they are then accountable.

If you or someone you know is lost and without God there is still hope no matter what the circumstances. God knows every sin we have committed and every sin we are yet to commit. Call on him. Ask Jesus to save your soul. Let me tell you. You will be crying, moaning, and begging. The words will not be simply spoken. It must be from the heart, and it must be under Jesus’ terms. It is easy. But it is not simply a decision to live for God. You will feel something inside. The Holy Spirit will let you know. Everyone who has salvation got it the same way I received mine. I don’t mean that everyone has to be saved in church. One can be saved anywhere. Everyone may not experience the feeling in the same degree that I did, but some thing will happen. Some people expect something more than they get. We have to take what the Lord gives us. I am very thankful that my experience was so intense. However, this doesn’t mean that the Devil won’t creep in to your thoughts five minutes after you get saved and tell you that it isn’t real. He tried to tell me that I just got too excited and hyperventilated. Wow. He’ll do anything to make you doubt.

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